Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Eat Yourself

Ellen can eat herself up over my shit life I see. She parents teens.
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I used to post glitches on the Burton board. Cuz they were to confuse him if he sees me online like or something.
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Not Nice

I'm like sitting here wondering. And it isn't nice. Doesn't bother me.
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I don't understand why but my iPod volume doesn't beep.

Also, I am being picked at for my subtle jokes for no reason.

I think Ellen started the clicks in my room that got me mad. When I watched the show. Fact. Someone did. Sorry to talk @ you like this.
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Set up as Shit

You just set me up and lie @ me. Yet, I am there as shit for your convenience and needs.
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Curse You

Not really?

Orlando is mean to me.
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Getting Mad

People are getting at me for being a fan of someone but themselves seem encouraged more.
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Ellen doesn't realize how much pressure is put on some people to mess up cuz they're not popular by being gay. I just noticed, it's quite inconvenient.
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