Thursday, February 13, 2014

You let girls who are independent and born @ 1960 have ab attitude and are suggesting and arousing to everyone else.
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You like other white people with dark hair.

Also, you're still a person if you have a young-looking mom-I'm not a crack baby person..
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Almos Die'

Had spicy chicken, black beans, yelllow rice
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Wut @ medium hair.
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Lotta people scorn my partly or mostly dark hair my parents fault apparently.. I did post when I found blondes as ideas you can see. Like want me with a big dark lady and though I am kinda with Ellen just~say that when I said I was interested in figuring things of this nature out. I see Ellen is better and I'm technically gotten worse..
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What I Did

Went on Space Mountain 3 times.. Ellen... Test Track, yes Spaceship Earth, will talk more @ home.. Well, Space Mountain is so fun. The only ride of its kind. ..
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My Dad

My dad was the 1 who thinks I'm nothing different than him and worthless. I was trying to relate to him friendly like his fam-
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Something came up.

I said Ellen is annoying tomyself @ others bc she can ^have things^ I was supposed to have. Like a fair shot @ adult life. It's not enough to mentally slice me out of things like college.
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I don't have those friends to keep me in as line. I am busy as hell on this.
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Some1 gave me the idea to remind me.. Me as 23 is too old for a good life.

Also, something from the 80s comes up and it's @ people complaining so I'll just leave.

Do you get the feeling my parents manipulated my life to doom? Also, they favor Late Boomers.. They like stimulation from like guys born in 1950. Things I do not see that exist even.
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My legs are quite tired. Trying to lie down well on a poll, now.
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Hi ellen nice disney ride..I sat in baclk on thr side.

Sorry @ this morning guys just slipped me, I didn't go away from the computer and it wasn't illegal..thought maybe I'd learn a new way to not get as mad, not much luck as I don't get to be that excited that I'd get into a deep conversation and pound something dramatically.. Not fun.
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Not dying my hair, turning strawberry-
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H mansion stoppd 3 tinmes
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H mansion stoppd 3 tinmes
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And sorry @ thios morning.
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Well we can include my dad but he already is who he is..
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