Ellen is a public poster and it's fun when I get tired to go on Twitter. No one ever told me personally Ellen is better than me.
Do these teens think they will succeed getting away with being mean - though some don't get what's due. They think Ellen said so. What babies! People were trying to blow me up. That can't be good for me. What crowd is this? The good people are not at the mall? I can't seem to think I do anything cuza being followed. Another annoying noise. What if I hurt their precious personal rules?? Someone also dug into stimulation of me and to publicly display something like I'm the joke. My mom gets in the way. These noises keep bothering me. It is mean of whoever wants Ellen mad for checking her public Tweets. Am I not invited to the party and am not in any crowd? No, I am in a crowd. Is Ellen? Other than the joke of with the famous people? Ellen has to learn how to lock up groups to talk to. You know in my mall they started chargers. It just distresses me that people complain @ it. Supposedly me as a private Twitter follower since Ellen can find me is something to be made fun of. Like they know how to pleasure her but flop by since she's not talking to them.
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