Sunday, February 9, 2014

My fav juice now.. Tropicana tropical

And I hear them laugh
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And what they do doesn't say anything.
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You think if Bella means something I'm shit/trash?
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My fav juice now.. Tropicana tropical

And I hear them laugh
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They are stimulating me with being suggestively mean.
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Why are ppl dissing me being born @ @ Ft Lauderdale hospital?? It's like Ellen from the outskirts..
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No one cares @ me.
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Something Stupid

My juice was left out.
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So how am I mean and not smooth, like a smooth mover? Like psychologically.
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Just mused.
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I want to be a music ed major with singing. I am intrrested in grad school$ what @ ballet?
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Guess I should wait to try out @ Disney to be in the night parade until I am much more thinner.. Have to change what I plan foe this week.
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If Ellen is mean wst y iz that okay for her but I just post wut happened.
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